Thursday, January 15, 2009

Atlas Compiles Iron Ore Resource At North Pilbara Project

Australian iron ore producer Atlas Iron Ltd says the company has compiled a maiden resource for the Anson deposit at its Wodgina project, 100 kilometres south of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

The company has delineated an 8.1 million tonne inferred iron ore resource at Anson, just two months after the company started drilling at the project.

"The exploration potential of the North Pilbara region is largely untapped. This region was overlooked by the majors and we can't wait to get in there and drill a few more holes," Atlas Iron managing director David Flanagan said in a statement.

The company said it remains on track to update the resources and reserves across all of its projects by the end of January.

Atlas Iron also operates the Pardoo mine in the Pilbara, which is expected to export one million tonnes of iron ore over the next twelve months.

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