Monday, May 11, 2009

Jilin Increases Metallica Minerals Stake

Australian miner, Metallica Minerals, has said its largest shareholder, China's Jilin, has increased its stake to 19.95 per cent from 15.1 per cent.

This follows a recent off-market transaction where Jien Mining, the Australian-based subsidiary of Jilin HOROC Nonferrous Metal Group, bought all Metallica shares previously held by Kagara.

Metallica, a minerals explorer, has invited Jilin, a nickel and copper producer, to take up a position on the board.

"Metallica and Jilin have had respective site visits to each company's nickel-cobalt projects and operations and have been involved in discussions for mutual co-operation over the past year or so, and look forward to progressing their mutual business interests and investigating new nickel-cobalt processing technologies and general business strategy," a Metallica statement said.

SourcE: The Australian

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